Affect: to produce an effect upon, as a: to produce a material influence upon or alteration in. (Piece presented in the "What happened to November?" exhibition, Rotor 1 gallery, Gothenburg, Sweden, the "Afecta" exhbition, La Galería gallery, Lima, Peru, Bai Jueta, e-star gallery, Lima, Peru, Retrospective: Legado: regalo de propiedad, Centro Cultural Pucallpa Gallery, Pucallpa, Peru) When we enter an area we walk, breathe, look and touch; in all we do we modify in one w ay or another the space. If we could see our personal effect on things and people how would this look? Our existence and the existence of everyone and everything affect the world in distinct ways in an infinite chain reaction. Our personal influence in the world could never be measured by our own eye. The installation This piece consists of an installation in a dark room where you can only see a dimly lit image of a hand on the wall. When you touch the hand a fingerprint appears in the center...