I will be putting up my art on this web page. You can also buy prints and they send it directly to you, framed if you like. I first had a problem with printing my art. But I really think that I want as much people to enjoy may work as possible and in one house that is not going to happen. The original peaces still are and will always be as precious as they will ever be. Painting: Oil and sand on Canvas . Size: 118 H x 90 W x 2.5 cm This oil painting with sand is part of a series called Origin. It is an image from several walked through the Amazon region in Peru, place where I was born but left when I was very young. I have dedicated many years in going to this areas reconnecting myself with this land. These fallen levees have dried, fallen on soil, been rained on and dried again, it represents natural cycles and how nature is the closest to our own essences humans. The c...