
Showing posts from February, 2008

Origin- Origen

After several years of working with sport themes I wanted to look at another strong interest of mine - origins, or specifically, the things that define us, make us who we are and influence how we perceive the world. In my case, sports were already a part of who I was, but my family's origins have always intrigued me. I was born in the Amazon part of Peru, but I left there when I was very young. However, my place of birth was always the place were I felt I belonged. This strong interest turned out to be a project that I call Origen. I decided to start with the place where I was born as a first approach to my origins.This part of the project was done in a three to four year period and consisted initially in many visits to the Ucayali region (were I was born). I wanted to find out what, of all the different aspects of this place, really affected me and defined the way I perceive the world around me -- no matter where in the world I am standing. After many visits, documented wi...


Title: Shipibo – Conibo Survivors, Artistic Development and Influences of a Living Culture, from Drawing to Painting.